Stress is part of farming life but it is something that needs to be managed. When your stress level rises, so too does your risk of having an accident.
It’s important that you learn to recognise the signs. When you look after yourself, you’re also looking after your farm, your family and your livelihood.
So, if right now you’re feeling things are getting on top of you, you may be suffering from stress and you should get some help.
Let’s start with the WHO-5 test to initially establish your levels of stress. From there you can then use the Stress Indicator Tool to help you understand the areas of farming life that are causing you stress.
WHO-5 Test
This is a set of questions about five key areas of life and will establish the level of stress you are currently feeling. You’ll get a score and a recommendation of what your next step should be.
There are no right or wrong answers here – so take your time and be honest with yourself.
Take the test
Stress Indicator Tool
FarmInMind has created this Stress Indicator Tool with the pressures of farming in mind. It is made up of 25 quick questions covering areas such as finance, workload and other areas of your life that could be causing you stress. The answers you give will then direct you towards getting specific help and support.
There are no right or wrong answers here – so take your time and be honest with yourself.
Take the test
Important: if you’re feeling extreme distress or despair, don’t wait. Speak to someone today. Call Lifeline free and in complete confidence on:
0808 808 8000
They are there 24/7, 7 days a week to listen and help.